Monday, April 20, 2009

Beirut 1 - Keeping it in the family

Lebanon will see many candidates that come from traditional political families. All of the female MPs running for parliament of which there are 8 come from prominent Lebanese families.

The district of Beirut 1 is seeing a particular case of 'carrying on tradition' with Nayla Tueni and Nadim Gemayel both fighting for a seat in the district:

Nayla Tueni the daughter of assassinated journalist, editor and MP Gibran Tueni. Tueni will be running for the Greek Orthodox seat in Beirut 1. Tueni does not belong to a political party or the March 14 coalition but is running as an ally of the coalition. Her main opponent in the Beirut 1 district is current Minister Issam Abu Jamra. Prominet posters such as this one have began to appear in the Beirut 1 district. An interview with Nayla Tueni in Now Lebanon.

Nadim Gemayel is the son of the assassinated former president Bashir Gemayel. In this poster he is positioned in exactly the same way of a famous picture that his father poses in posted all over Beirut. Nadim Gemayel is running in Beirut's 1st district for the Maronite seat.

1 comment:

  1. The sight of Nadim in profile is haunting--so reminiscent of his father whom, as a journalist in Lebanon, I came to know well and believed in. Because I know in my heart what I have to say about him you won't see anywhere else, please see "Who Was Bashir?” at

