Thursday, May 7, 2009

Different Observor Same .....

The National Democratic Institute held a press conference to launch their observer mission with a pre-election assessment delegation. At the head of this delegation was Madeline Albright, former Secretary of State, who was accompanied by Joseph Clark, former PM of Candida and Kenneth Wollack, President of the NDI.

Not surprisingly this press conference was much the same as the EU observers press conference in the conclusions that the pre-election assessment drew. However, they did criticise the districts stating that the large discrepancies in registered voters meaning that the 'weight' of the vote differed from district to district. The delegation also stressed that although there was significant loop holes in the regulation of campaign finance the insertion for the first time into the election law set a significant precedent.

There was of course a little extra stress on Hezbollahs (and other groups) weapons stating that they "threaten security". As the NDI observer mission is funded by USAID they are not allowed to talk to Hezbollah making it tricky to be an election observer. However, Albright stated that although they did not meet with Hezbollah they met with their allies (Albright met with Speaker Berri today) the Observers would meet with all those engaged with the electoral process.

1 comment:

  1. If this goes on, soon there will be more observers than voters...

